Design Jams: Create Future-Relevant Educational Contexts

Design Jams are coordinated events meant to bring together a range of skills and expertise to apply “design thinking” to specific issues. All participants are required to pre-register for events and to indicate their skills and expertise so that design teams can be formed to make effective use of the range of skills available. Participants are introduced to design thinking principles and presented with critical views on the issue to be addressed. Then they split off into groups and go at it.

This is a very interesting method for applying design thinking principles to a range of topics.

Below is a link to the informative Design Jam Handbook and others that show how design jams have been applied to educational issues.

Design Jam Handbook

Design jam on educational games

“Learniverse” – Outcome of a design jam

‘Textbook’ of the Future – Outcome of an Open.Michigan design jam

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